The Marking Scheme – Leaving Certificate English Examination
The marking scheme for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 clearly illustrates the areas students need to focus on to get high marks. These are:
Clarity of Purpose (P) 30% of the marks available for the task
Coherence of Delivery (C) 30% of the marks available for the task
Efficiency of language use (L) 30% of the marks available for the task
Accuracy and Mechanics (M) 10% of the marks available for the task
Clarity of Purpose means answering the question asked, engaging with the task set. Your writing must be relevant at all times. The key words here are: relevance, focus, originality, clear aim and understanding of the purpose.
Stick to your plan!
Coherence of Delivery means not getting sidetracked, and being able to sustain your response or plot through the entire answer.
Efficiency of language use means using language appropriate to the task (knowledge of the five language genres is essential here!) and controlling your language to achieve clear communication.
Accuracy and mechanics mean spelling and grammar, which are the nuts and bolts of writing. You must display levels of accuracy in spelling and grammar.