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Best Online English Grinds” – The Irish Times

Leaving Certificate English Grinds

Online Grinds for students all over Ireland.

Gillian Chute simplifies Leaving Cert English for students of all abilities. She uses a unique teaching method that gives the student a formula for learning the material and always teaches the student an exam-focussed structure for writing exam answers. This results in the student approaching the subject with confidence and writing coherent exam answers.

Online Weekly Grinds

Online Weekly Grinds

We Solve The Most Common Problems Experienced By Students And Help Students Get the Grade They Are Capable Of. Don’t Miss Out On Achieving Your Best Grade.

Weekly Grinds

Weekly Grinds

For over 15 years, Gillian Chute has been trusted by students and their parents to deliver the highest quality, most effective classes in Leaving Cert English.

Online Topic Sessions

Online Topic Sessions

These Innovative 3.5 Hour Courses Allow Students To Get An Entire Topic Covered In A Concise Manner. Browse The Many Topics On Offer.

Intensive Day Courses

Intensive Day Courses

Explore The Range of Intensive Day Courses That We Have To Offer.

Testimonials from Past Students

  • C.C. moved to Ireland from Germany a few years ago, and although fluent in English, her schooling had all been in German until then.

    We turned to Gillian to back up her wonderful teacher at school here. Gillian’s extra help proved to be absolutely invaluable and supported C. in navigating her way through Macbeth, poetry etc, paying particular attention to how to write a well-structured essay - essential for L.C. English! We were really thrilled with her L.C. result yesterday and would thoroughly recommend Gillian! CC, PARENT H2

  • Hi Gillian, I just wanted to let you know that I got a H1 in English. I'm absolutely delighted and shocked - I wasn't expecting it at all. Thank you so much for all of your help over the last two years. I am certain I could never have done so well without you.

  • Hi Gill, just to let you know that Faye got a H1. She is over the moon; she could not have achieved this grade without your help. Thanks for everything!

  • Before I started English grinds with Gillian in 6th year I used to think that one had to use fancy phrases and have exceptional vocabulary to get high grades. However, it is simply down to answering the question and backing up your points, which Gillian teaches wonderfully. She has a formulaic approach to answer every question which is extremely helpful as time is limited, and her feedback on assignments were critical in identifying my weaknesses. Thank you!" (H1 grade)

  • I just wanted to email to say thank you so much for all your help in the grinds during the year. I got my H1 in English so I was delighted! I couldn’t have done it without the notes in the grinds and all of your feedback, so thanks a million!


    LC STUDENT 2023
  • EVA got a H1 - 98.75%

    She is thrilled to bits!

    PARENT MH 2023
  • Eoin is absolutely thrilled. H1. He could not have done it without you. Your grinds made all the difference to his grades and he was fully engaged throughout the course. So thank you so much!

    PARENT GH 2023
  • My son did a weekly grind with Gillian throughout his 6th year. He lacked confidence in his ability and needed a H1 for the course he hoped to do. Gillian was amazing and I’m so lucky to have found her. I would highly, highly recommend her... my son achieved his H1 this morning, and is so thrilled. Can’t thank you enough for your help and support Gillian.

    LC 2023
  • My son did a weekly grind with Gillian throughout his 6th year. He lacked confidence in his ability and needed a H1  for the course he hoped to do. Gillian was amazing and I am so lucky to have found her. I would highly, highly recommend her - my son achieved his H1 this morning and is so thrilled. Can't thank you enough for your help and support.

    S.S. Parent Leaving Certificate 2022: Grade H1
  • I got a H1!!!! I'm so happy and I can't thank you enough. Thank you for all the hard work over the last year. I wouldn't have gotten it without you, that's for sure! Thank you so much!!

    Aoife Cronin Leaving Certificate 2022: Grade H1
  • Hi Gillian, Just to let you know that E got her H1 in English and is over the moon. For English, in particular, she relied on you totally!

    R.M Parent Leaving Certificate 2022: Grade H1
  • My son attended Ms Gillian Chute’s online Honours English classes for the duration of his Leaving Cert year and we are in no doubt that the H2 grade he achieved was due to her excellent course content, warm rapport with her students, insightful comments on assignments and most of all a dedication to achieving the best for every pupil. Ms Chute’s love for her subject was evident and she certainly succeeded in passing on her enthusiasm to our son. I would recommend her highly!”

    KOF Parent Leaving Certificate 2022: Grade H2
  • Hi Gillian, I just wanted to say a big thank you for your courses which helped my daughter achieve her H1 in her LC English. She really did benefit from them and was absolutely delighted with her results.

    N.N. Parent Leaving Certificate 2022: Grade H1
  • Having just sat the Leaving Cert in June and receiving a H1 in English, I must say that I truly owe it to Gill. Before I started the grinds in 5th year, I was consistently, (and frustratingly) getting H4’s in all my essays and exams. However, Gill’s methodical approach to the subject really clicked with me, streamlining the heavy course content into easy-to-learn, exam-question focused notes. This made it easy for me to transform the course content into high standard essays, making them seem like a much less daunting task. Gill really helped to restore confidence in my ability and so I would highly recommend her to any Leaving Cert students looking to do well in English.

    Evan Hardy Leaving Certificate 2022: Grade H1
  • I attended grinds with Gillian for Leaving Cert higher level English. I, like most, was finding that my grades would never reflect the amount of time that I was putting into a piece of homework. Gillian, however, made everything so clear with regard to the structuring of answers and rewarding of marks. Her notes are second to none, and her anticipation for exam questions is admirable. English was one of my favourite subjects by the end of the year and my best result in the Leaving Cert, all of which I put down to Gillian.

    Eibhlín Lonergan
  • Gillian is an inspirational teacher. Her passion for the English language has nurtured in me an understanding and appreciation of English as a subject. Her notes are comprehensive and the quality of her feedback on assignments is highly beneficial. The encouragement and continuous assurance that I received from Gillian throughout the year undoubtedly helped me to reach my potential and more. As a result of the grinds I attended with Gillian, I received an A1 in my Leaving Cert English which was far beyond my expectations.

    Mary Flemming Leaving Certificate 2015 Grade: A1
  • I started grinds with Gillian at the start of 6th year as I was really struggling to improve my grade in English. Even from the first class I had with her I immediately started to see a change in my grades. Her classes really approached English head on, and while they are exam focused, each class was still so interesting and enjoyable. The layout and techniques we learned for answering questions along with her in depth notes was something I found so beneficial, and really helped me feel more capable of tackling the paper. Gillian also corrected any extra questions we wanted to do, which I found, especially coming up to the actual exams, was so helpful to get more feedback. I don't think I could have gotten through the paper so confidently and as well prepared without your help Gillian, I can't thank you enough!

    Leah McPhillips Leaving Certificate 2016 Grade: A2
  • I was never someone who enjoyed English as I felt the course was much too broad to get a firm grasp on. I had never achieved highly in the subject, averaging 60-70% through 5th year. Gillian managed to condense the course down to what really mattered. She showed us what we really needed to know in order to do well in the exam. Her notes were second to none and helped me hugely in areas such as poetry, essay writing and comparative studies. I ended up getting an A2 in the Leaving Cert. I firmly believe that I would not have been able to achieve such a grade without Gillian. I couldn't recommend her grinds more for anyone looking to maximise their grade in English!

    Séamus Fox Leaving Certificate 2016 Grade: A2
  • Before starting classes with Gillian I found English to be one of my most frustrating subjects. Writing essays and analysing texts never came naturally to me and no amount of work would push my grades up from H3s and H4s. By Christmas of 5th year, when I started with Gillian, I was worried that I would never improve but from my very first grind I felt reassured. Gillian provides her students with a logical and manageable approach to writing essays which, together with her thorough notes, truly took away my fear of the 'blank page' and gave me confidence in my abilities that I never had before. Without Gillian I would have never reached my full potential and cannot thank her, nor recommend her enough.

    Amy Donlon Leaving Certificate 2017 Grade: H1
  • Although I had always enjoyed English as a subject, the grades I got never seemed to reflect the passion I had for it. I often found it difficult to form a structured and coherent essay that echoed the thoughts in my head. I was confident that attending Gillian’s classes would help with this and soon I was writing essays with the definite structure and clarity that they had previously been lacking. She helped us condense the vast course down to what really mattered. I would have been lost without her concise and confident approach to teaching the English course. She was an infinite source of encouragement to us all, helping us in every way to achieve our full potential and for that I cannot thank her enough.

    Aoife Crotty Leaving Certificate 2018 Grade: H1
  • Gillian is a wonderful teacher. Prior to attending Gillian's grinds I lacked structure in my approach to answering questions and found English frustrating. Her feedback from assignments was really helpful. Gillian's notes are excellent and her overall support and encouragement gave me the confidence to believe in myself and reach my potential.

    Gearóid Fleming Leaving Certificate 2018 Grade: H2
  • I was always a student that loved English but could never understand where I was going wrong with it. I found myself getting the same old vague advice from my teacher in my own school to just "structure it better" or "inject more passion" but I never knew how. Gillian couldn't have helped more in giving me a well composed and coherent structure to all my essays that I could apply across the board in both papers. Her advice is precise and extremely personalised which helped me pinpoint exactly where I needed to improve most. I can honestly say I felt prepared and at ease going into my first English exam in June but I can't say that would have been the case if it weren't for Gillian's help throughout the year. I simply can't thank her enough!

    LeighAnne Jones Leaving Certificate 2018 Grade: H1
  • Gillian makes one of the most difficult subjects easy to understand! Prior to joining Gillian’s grind, I struggled with English and never understood why I was losing marks despite studying hard. The English course is daunting but Gillian broke it down and provided us with fool-proof methods of tackling questions and structuring essays. Gillian’s notes are phenomenal and filled with the material we need to get the marks. With Gillian’s notes and essay structures, I felt confident going into every English exam. I couldn’t recommend her enough!

    Leanne Healy Leaving Certificate 2020 Grade: TBA Sept 2020
  • Gillian is a fantastic teacher! Her detailed notes and advice about exam technique completely changed my perspective about Leaving Cert English, which was reflected in my results throughout the year.

    Alice Hannon Leaving Certificate 2020 Grade: TBA Sept 2020
  • I joined Gillian’s grinds classes late in December 2019 and my only regret is that I didn’t join sooner! Gillian helped me improve my English by a tenfold. I was seriously considering dropping to pass English before I came to Gillian. I couldn’t understand the questions they were asking. I had no idea how to start my answer and if I did, I had no confidence in what I was writing. Gillian helped me gain my confidence in English writing back. I went from feeling like I needed to drop to ordinary level to scoring regularly at a H3 level! I couldn’t have dreamed of that improvement. Even during a global pandemic and the uncertainty over the leaving cert, Gillian started online classes that made me feel confident and prepared if the exam had went ahead. I simply couldn’t recommend going to Gillian enough!

    Christopher Morris Leaving Certificate Grade: TBA Sept 2020