How do I structure my Comparative Study essay?
The comparative study section is challenging. Not only must you compare three texts (a book, a film and a play) but you must do so ultimately in 65-70 minutes in the exam. In order for your [...]
The Marking Scheme – Leaving Certificate English Examination
The marking scheme for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 clearly illustrates the areas students need to focus on to get high marks. These are: Clarity of Purpose (P) 30% of the marks available for the [...]
How do I approach Unseen Poetry on the English leaving cert paper?
THE UNSEEN POEM is the most underrated section on the English paper. Students tend to leave the Question until last which means that it is often rushed, or worse again, forgotten about. Yes, it [...]
How do I learn my Shakespeare material for leaving cert English?
One of the major problems that students encounter when learning their Shakespeare material for the english higher level English paper is the overwhelming amount of quotes. They highlight them, as [...]